Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Freedom-Lovers Strike Again

I noticed a few days ago that my car had been keyed, no doubt by some freedom-loving Demint supporter who was expressing his disapproval of my radical left-wing socialist bumper stickers.  It's an old car, and I just see the scratch as a battle scar in the "freedom" war.

Demint, as you may have noticed if you actually are awake for a few hours a day, likes to talk about freedom.  Some of the freedoms he believes have been sold down the river to the devil are the freedom to practice Christianity, the freedom for businesses to prosper, and the freedom of the wealthy to keep their vast wealth.  He claims his Christianity is the right one, the one God himself would approve of.

Businesses of course, deserve to prosper because we need them.  He does believe that if we allow businesses to do what they like free of regulation or taxation, we will all be free to prosper.

And if we don't prosper, it is because we are lax and lazy, and/or God just doesn't think we deserve prosperity.

Of course, Demint has been blessed by God.  I am assuming the person who keyed my car does not feel thus blessed.

Demint's Christianity reeks of the bitter and paranoid fables not of Christ but of Tim Lahaye.  In those fables, God serves man and man adores God because God serves him.  There is no turning the other cheek, or aiding the poor and weak.  So if you believe in Demint's God, your anger at the poor and weak is justified.

But Demint's Christianity serves Demint.  That leaves a whole lot of his supporters angry at what they have lost:  their jobs, their homes, their marriages, their security.

If they rail at Demint, and by his own assertion, God, they will be striking at their own long-held beliefs.  Insecurity does not lead to self-scrutiny.  Instead they rail at the enemy as Demint proclaims the enemy:  the poor, the needy, the suffering.  They call it "communism" and "socialism" because that is the name Demint has given the enemy.

And they fight that enemy by taking a key to my car.  When they walk away they are still angry, but feel better.

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