Sunday, September 5, 2010

What Do You Mean "We"?

I'm thinking it's pretty obvious why the economy (and by the way, we folks down here in the thick of it) is still struggling, and get fairly apoplectic when I hear Democrats talking about it in the media.

First of all, it's because the republicans have been voting no on every stimulus package that would create jobs, and any program that would cause we the consumers to have a few cents left over to spend.  And when I say republicans, I mean blue-dog small-d democrats too, you know who you are, and I can't imagine why you would call yourself a Democrat.

Second, it's because small businesses are acting like big businesses, that is, taking all the government incentives that have been handed out, and hoarding them.  You know, folks, if I'm pretty much spending every penny I have trying to make ends meet, I can't spend a dime on your business, not unless you're willing to pay me a living wage, and give me a bit of security, social or otherwise.

So, two things:

First, the Democrats need to start yelling as loud as the idiots running against them, that the economy would be better now if they'd been able to really make the changes they wanted to make in the past two years.  And you-know-why they haven't been able to do that, so if you vote more republicans into office because you're pissed at the Democrats, guess what's going to happen?  Oh, I think you-all just like to complain -- that's why you "re-elected" Bush.

Second, I would like you small business people to stop hoarding the cash you got from the government, and do a little of the risk-taking you'd like us consumers to do.  Spend some money on staff, pay them/us a living wage, and you know what?  Our favorite pastime is spending money, so as soon as we can feel it burning a hole in our pockets, we'll be flocking to your shops and throwing it at you again.

But meanwhile, if I have to choose between paying my mortgage and buying a new car/new shoes/going to a movie, you're just going to have to go count your stimulus dollars again and see if they've multiplied.  My guess is they haven't.

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