I believe Jim Demint's poor mom was so overwhelmed trying to do right by her family that she ended up, like all overworked moms, feeling guilty for neglecting her children, and when she could, spoiled them.
Because Jim Demint acts like an angry, spoiled child. He has realized over the past year or so, that the longer he holds his breath, the more attention he gets.
His fellow republicans try, as you might imagine, to quietly get him calmed down, and end up promising him stuff to get him to behave.
And as with any bully, the more attention he gets, the more he bullies.
And we are left with Jim Demint, not holding his breath, but holding Congress hostage, and feeling mighty proud of himself. He knows most of his "friends" don't really like him, but have to pretend that they do, because he could turn against them as well.
So he says he doesn't really like the "friends" he has, and he is going to go out and make new friends. And they will all do what he says.
We all know that bullies are very fragile creatures. They need to keep proving they have power by being ever bigger bullies.
What do you do with bullies? You stand up to them, get in their face, and confront them, refuse to give in. You face them down, make them answer for their behavior.
Or they become absurd and irrelevant, an embarrassment to themselves, and they fade away.
That is what happened to Joe McCarthy. We may be wiser now. It may be that we will never give Jim Demint the power to destroy lives and do damage to our Republic that Joe McCarthy had.
We'll just have to wait and see.
Meanwhile, we can get out and vote. Even here in South Carolina we have options.
There is Alvin Greene who "won" the Democratic primary, but there is also Tom Clements, Green Party candidate, the true Democratic alternative.
What is important is to vote, and encourage family and friends, all over the country, to get out and vote. If Demint wins, at least we can prove that there is opposition to his regime; his minions in other states are not liked or trusted, and all it will take is for we the people to get out and vote.
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