Monday, August 16, 2010

Why High Unemployment Is Good

If no one was benefitting from high unemployment, it wouldn't be happening.

So who's benefitting?

We have been listening to blowhards like Boehner, Demint and the other Corporate Conservatives in Congress talk about how people are staying unemployed BY CHOICE, and if the government would stop feeding and clothing them, they would go out and, damn it, get jobs!

But who in this country, today, are really getting the handouts?  Wall Street, certainly, and the insurance industry with the watered down health care bill.  Don't forget big agribusiness, those folks that are forcing the small farmers out of business, while feeding off the federal government.

Here's the food chain:  

The corporate giants feed the lobbyists, who feed their senators and representatives, who circle right back and feed the corporations.

Feeling left out?

If you are a small business owner and believe for one minute that John Boehner and Jim Demint are talking about helping YOU when they block health care bills and unemployment extensions and yes, money to the states you live and do business in for road projects and teachers, guess again.

If you are a small business owner you know that the people in your neighborhood need jobs that pay a living wage and affordable housing, and good schools for their children, and for your children.  The money that would do that in this wealthy country is held by a few and they are protected by, yes, folks like John Boehner and Jim Demint.

Who make sure that the government doesn't have the funding to regulate those big businesses, nor the taxes from those fat cats to send to the states and small businesses to get us back on our feet.

Because when we profit, big business gets a little bit smaller.  And so would the fortunes of Boehner and Demint.

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