Friday, August 20, 2010

Where in the World is Jim Demint?

You may be wondering where Jim Demint has been lately.  Well, according to him, in an interview he gave to The Item, he is spending a lot of time in South Carolina, talking to the "real people" in his state.  He says, "Folks want to vent, particularly businesses."

Now, that right there might be the problem.  Jim Demint, who doesn't believe in the Supreme Court anyway, nonetheless believes that "businesses" are "real people".  We all know he tends to confuse reality with Mayberry, and it seems that he's being so stubborn about what people want because he just isn't talking to any of us.  Although he thinks he is.

Take farm subsidies.  Most of the over a billion dollars in farm subsidies goes to the few percent of top producing farms.  This is why small farmers continue to hurt and drop out of existence, while "folks" like Wright County Eggs continue to grow and poison us with their blatant disregard for health and safety.

Yet Demint votes "yes" to these farm supports that only help the wealthy, while voting "no" to "big government" bills like Health Care Reform, that will allow us to insure our children till they are 26, and -- oh, no, stop that big government -- force insurers to insure us when we are sick!

Demint talks about "what we've done to the banking system", I guess meaning things like making credit card companies stop cheating us by raising interest on pre-existing debt.  He continues to fight the good fight against regulation which will make sure Wall Street and the health insurance industry obey the law, and that BP and Wright County Eggs stop polluting and taking risks with our lives, for their fun and profit.

And while Jim Demint claims to be spending all his time here talking to what he thinks are "real people", he admits that he is going to other parts of the country campaigning to get more like him elected and sent to Washington, because...

"If I keep getting outvoted, the people of South Carolina are not represented." 

So PLEASE study Demint's voting record at Project Vote Smart, and don't confuse his Mayberry fantasy with the reality we all are suffering here in South Carolina.  We don't need six more years of Jim Demint and his Corporate Conservative cronies blocking the government from doing its job of protecting us from people like him.

Alvin Greene
because he's
Better than Demint 

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