Leave it to the Dems to absolutely refuse to take advantage of the opportunity to brag about doing good. We should by now be hearing in our sleep about the insurance industry being stopped in its tracks from allowing our citizens to die in the name of the not-so-almightly dollar. No more pre-existing condition exceptions, no more lifetime caps, family policies including young adults up to age 26. Wow. Yippee.
But leave it to the Dems to modestly underplay the whole health care reform thing. The liberals feel guilty because they didn't do enough; the blue dog democrats (the make-believe dems) are afraid their constituents (the ones that already have good health care) will be angry at them for spending their hard-earned tax dollars to fund the have-nots, the corporate democrats -- you know who you are -- don't want to flaunt the bill in front of their buddies in the insurance industry.
The saddest thing of all is that our senators and representatives take their lead mostly from the president, and Obama was never as convinced as we thought he was that we need to disengage from the insurance industry.
So yes, Harry Reid is a weinie, but if Barack Obama had stood strong for health care, Reid would have been tougher (I can't believe I used the words "Reid" and "tough" in the same sentence.).
But let's give credit to Nancy Pelosi, fearless and fighting for us to the bitter end.
And when I hear her speak, I think, that's what the voters are looking for. We want someone who believes strongly enough in what's right for us that they will fight for it, whether it is during an election season or not, whether the polls support her or not, whether it looks like her opposition is stronger than she is.
Because we are looking for someone who will stand on their principles.
Despite themselves, the Democrats passed real health care reform. Now we need to hear that they really believe in it.
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