Alvin Greene was not the one.
Better candidates stepped up, and were soundly rejected by the voters, who have short memories, and are easily manipulated.
Money will win in the end, and this will always be a capitalist country.
The loudest, most shrill voices will be the ones heard, and believed.
And Barack Obama continues to try to conciliate, to prove that he is not who they say he is, and in doing so, allows himself to be manipulated.
For two years now, both republicans and Democrats have been predicting this republican win. We are a party that thought we had strong ideals, that have seen those ideals cave in the interest of getting along, only to be accused of starting the fight.
The good news is, the Blue Dogs, who were never Democrats, were called on their duplicity. The bad news is that we lost anyway. To mix metaphors, we had no horse in that race.
Will our remaining Democratic elected officials fight harder now, or will they be quicker to concede?
The republican aggressors have been controlling Congress from the minority, and will redouble their efforts now that they have the House.
The people were angry because the leadership was not clear and consistent. So they elected people who would govern without fear or doubt.
As victims will, they chose the powerful, and will be sacrificed for greater power.
I am reminded of the words of Pete Seeger:
"When will they ever learn?..."
It's time to put an end to this particular blog. I will continue to write at, and eventually begin a new political blog. It has been good to be able to vent here, and air my opinions. It has helped me at times to get my thoughts together, beginning with the Alvin Greene business, and ending with the whole how do we get through the next two years.
When we get to do it again.
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